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Cristobal Niedbalski

Languages: Spanish and English.

From a very early age, he has been involved in the development of successful businesses and ventures, closely linked to the management of large human groups in times of great pressure, which would be his main characteristic. He is currently working as a pilot for LATAM, in addition to being appointed as operational safety advisor for trans-oceanic flights of the holding company, being in charge of the development of procedures that help to make the operation more efficient and safe.

The creation and management of work teams is its main characteristic, being the manager of having gathered the current partners in Amplifica and developing the operations and scaling manual of the company, which will ensure a fast and efficient growth of our operation.

Due to his leadership and meticulousness, two years ago he was in charge of the development of safety-based procedures and SMS risk management at LATAM, for long-range flights and their crews. This led him to interact with manufacturers of technological and governmental regulatory equipment in several countries around the world.

At the beginning of 2020, due to their observation capacity and experience in other countries, together with José Carvallo, they devised a concept little known in Chile and adapted to their own particularities, what today we call Amplifica.
